Lesson details

Now that you’ve let your dough rise, it’s time to shape it and bake it! There are three steps to shaping and baking sourdough, join Shaun de Vries in this lesson, as he takes you through the process to help you bake a crunchy yet soft sourdough bread. 

Content created by Shaun de Vries. Shaun de Vries is the director of Open Pantry Consulting, which supports a movement towards a more innovative future where profit, quality experiences, community, environmental impact, and sustainability can thrive together. He began his career as a baking apprentice at the age of 16 and has gone on to work in the hospitality industry for nearly 22 years. His work has taken him around the world including Adelaide, Vancouver, Brisbane, Perth, and Melbourne as well as across multiple brand segments including high-end artisan products, quality chain store groups, and large mass multi-nationals. You can find Shaun on Instagram or on his Open Pantry Podcast.

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