Lesson details

Aquafaba is the cooking water from pulses such as chickpeas and beans or vegetables. It’s a great substitute for eggs, when making meringue, pie crust, mayonnaise and more. In this lesson, Cyrille Lecossois and Mr Patrick Ogheard take you through the process of making vegetable marshmallows. 

Content created by Cyrille Lecossois and Mr Patrick Ogheard, from Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne (EHL). Mr Patrick Ogheard joined the EHL in 2012, and has been involved in various projects, such as the Swiss School of Tourism and Hospitality (SSTH) ES program, and is now a member of the Deanship as Associate Dean of Practical Arts. A trained chef with a Master’s Degree in Hotel and Restaurant Management, he has worked for over 20 years in France and abroad with renowned chefs, such as Jacques Maximin and Alain Ducasse, for whom he wrote the reference book “Les Grand Livre d’Alain Ducasse”. In 1990, he opened the Training Center Alain Ducasse and set up the operational part at the opening of the Paul Bocuse Institute Research Center. 

Cyrille Lecossois joined the EHL in 2001, and is a Senior Lecturer Practical Arts teaching culinary arts and restaurant service courses. Since then, he has focused on developing and implementing highly effective teaching and learning methodology for higher education and practical arts subjects. He originally trained as a cook and obtained professional certificates in culinary arts and hotel and restaurant operations. He began his career in restaurants in France as a cook/line cook and then gained international experience by working for Club Méditerranée (Club Med) in various locations over a period of six years and later on in a five-star hotel restaurant in Montreux.

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